
Crouch Waterfall has a team of highly qualified Engineers and Technicians with a wealth of experience in a wide range of bridge structures, some of whom are bridge specialists with experience in design of new and old highway, rail and pedestrian bridges.  Most of the technicians have experience in drawing, detailing and setting out of bridge structures and usually have an active role during site investigations and inspections.

We have designed numerous new bridge structures carrying rail, road and pedestrian traffic in all major materials.  The team has also undertakes many bridge refurbishments, inspections, assessments and strengthening works.

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Our expertise covers all major types of bridge structures as well as innovative new materials and construction techniques.


The Crouch Waterfall team has a wealth of experience within a wide range of bridge structures and have been involved in the design, project management and supervision of numerous new bridge structures. These design services include:

  • Feasibility options, design, calculations and approval process
  • Bridges to carry rail, road and pedestrian traffic over rail, roads, canal, rivers, estuaries & busy urban locations
  • All to Network Rail, Highways Agency, British Standards and Eurocodes
  • Offering integrated temporary solutions: bridge slides, jacking and propping under live loads, SPMTs, cranes and pontoons
  • Access for All (AfA) specific bridges


The design team also has extensive experience in the inspection, assessment repair and strengthening of existing bridge structures, providing remediation solutions for historic bridges involving:

  • Site inspection and investigations
  • Desk-top studies of record information
  • Condition and structural assessments
  • Feasibility and option studies
  • Design and approval of repair and strengthening works for masonry, concrete, steel, iron and timber schemes
  • Ground anchors to enhance abutment stability
  • Plus innovative materials such as carbon fibre and FRP


Crouch Waterfall understands the interfaces bridge structures have with the surrounding infrastructure and are pleased to offer a complete service which can include topographical surveys, planning submissions, services searches, ground investigations, embankment assessment, environmental assessments, and augmentation, road profiling, material testing, permanent way design and road safety audits.

Crouch Waterfall aims to assist the Contractor in offering savings in their construction costs, programme and a reduction in risk.  By considering the temporary works and construction implications involved with the permanent design the bridge team can often offer a cost effective alternative solution to the permanent works or the construction methodology.


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