J Murphy & Sons Ltd
Project Type:
Footbridge Replacement
Crouch Waterfall were engaged by J Murphy & Sons for the permanent works design of a footbridge replacement scheme at Reading West Station. The works were proposed in order to accommodate overhead electrification and formed part of the Great Western Route Modernisation (GWRM), aiming to deliver a more efficient rail service between London and Bristol.
Crouch Waterfall initially completed an optioneering analysis for another client, covering the provision of an AfA compliant station, considering ramps, bridge options, steps and lifts. The option of a new replacement footbridge and additional step access was progressed to allow for the electrification and improvement to the Station access.
The footbridge package incorporated design, review and modification of a footbridge already fabricated for an alternative site using Lusas Finite Element software, design of steel piles, RC pile cap and pad foundations, platform widening, footbridge articulation and screening for planning review. M&E and communications design and detailing was also
incorporated as inter-disciplinary elements into a combined 3D MicroStation model through ProjectWise with resource management, including sub-consultants.
Crouch Waterfall also undertook the permanent works design for a stepped access to Platform 1 of the station.
The stepped access was to be constructed on a 7m high embankment accessed via a footpath interfacing with the station’s main pedestrian thoroughfare of Oxford Road, including steel
steps, piled and pad foundations, M&E and communications design, retaining wall and slope stability assessments.