Dyer & Butler
Project Type:
Access for All Footbridges
Completed in 2015, the new ‘heritage style’ bridge and lifts improve accessibility at a railway station where formally a barrow crossing had to be utilised. The scheme was part funded by the Department for Transport’s ‘Access for All’ scheme and Warwickshire County Council.
Crouch Waterfall formed a design consultant team for the design and build contractor and acted as civil engineering and lead design consultant of a team also providing electrical and telecommunications design services.
The main bridge deck has a clear span of 12 metres and a minimum clearance to the railway of 5.1 metres Crouch Waterfall also designed all the temporary works for the D&B contractor including deep excavation supports and crane outrigger supports.
The bridge was founded upon reinforced concrete pad footings which were placed upon improved ground to account for the variable nature of the made ground in the platform construction.
The scheme included fully integrated service runs and LED bridge deck and integral handrail lighting.
Station platform structures were reconfigured and the station carpark was also replanned as part of the design works.
The bridge structure was designed to Network Rail standards and to clearance requirements to ‘future proof’ the design for the installation of overhead line equipment.