Wellington Underbridge Replacement

Birse Rail

Project Type:
Underbridge Replacement

Crouch Waterfall together with the project team from contractor Birse Rail, developed a proposal to design a new reinforced concrete replacement structure for Wellington underbridge near Hereford, which provides a flood relief opening beneath the railway line.

To minimise disruption to the railway the new reinforced concrete box culvert was designed as a portal frame which was cast alongside the track and subsequently ‘wheeled’ into position beneath the existing steel spans using Self Propelled Modular Transporters (SPMT).

The legs of the portal frame were then linked to each other using high strength steel tie-rods cast into base-slab concrete forming a box-culvert structure.

Crouch Waterfall also provided temporary works designs for the scheme, including crane and SPMT working platforms and demolition sequencing and analysis.

The installation of the culverts was undertaken in November 2011. The existing bridge was lifted clear and the scheme completed in the summer of 2012.

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