Millmead Footbridge, Guildford

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National Trust

Project Type:
Design, Project Management

A new footbridge commissioned by the National Trust was installed in December 2015. Crouch Waterfall provided design and project management services to replace the temporary footbridge that has been utilised for over 7 years.

Set within a conservation area, the new steel bridge provides improved access through a busy thoroughfare in the centre of Guildford, Surrey. With
a wider deck meeting current access standards and an aesthetically pleasing design, the new bridge is a vast improvement on the original. As well as installing a new deck and paving, the works involved rebuilding the existing abutments with the architectural heritage of the site taken into consideration.

After the design was accepted by the National Trust Architectural Panel and planning permission was approved by Guildford Borough Council, the works were completed over a 6 week period just before Christmas 2015.

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