Lagan Construction

Project Type:
New Footbridge

In February 2016 Devon County Council started works to widen Bridge Road from Countess Wear to Matford roundabout to provide two lanes in each direction.

To achieve this it was necessary to relocate the existing combined pedestrian/cycle way on the west side of the existing bridge over the rail onto a new independent footbridge to the west of this structure.

Crouch Waterfall designed the new footbridge. The new structure was a single, simply supported span comprising twin Warren through trusses of fully welded steel hollow sections supporting an integral stiffened steel plate deck and solid steel infill parapets.

To allow for future lighting inception all infill parapets were bolted to the main structure by means of welded brackets. The bridge was supported on elastomeric bearings with transverse and longitudinal fixity provided to the north and transverse fixity to the south.

The steel truss superstructure was 3.0m wide between inside faces of parapets to accommodate the combined pedestrian/cycle route. The clear span between supports was 24m, allowing the piled reinforced concrete substructure designed by Devon City Council to be adequately setback from the rail and allowed piling without the need for a possession of the railway.

As per Network Rail request the provision of a future canopy was integrated in the design.

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