Merstham Regeneration

Banstead Borough Council Novated to W Stirland Ltd, Riegate

Project Type:
Design, Construction Supervision

As part of a £4m urban redevelopment to the Merstham area, this project comprised of two adjacent sites, The Triangle and the former Iron Horse Public House.

The Triangle site consists of a 1600m2 steel framed building on a greenfield site to create a community hub / library / youth skills centre with a separate steel frame building to create four retail units.

The Iron Horse site, which was a former public house, consists of a local convenience store and three retail units at ground floor with two storeys of residential apartments above.  The structure is a combination of steel framing with load bearing masonry at ground floor.  At first floor and above the structure has precast concrete floors and traditional masonry wall construction to create ten shared equity flats.

Both projects also required the design of a Sustainable Urban Drainage System to deal with surface water from the two sites together with a traditional foul water system.  The requirements of this were stringent and needed to take into account a high storm return period together with allowance for climate change. Due for completion late 2016.

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