St Johns School


Project Type:
Design, Structural Input to Permanent Works, Temporary Works

The construction of new sportshall, media centre and classrooms at St. John’s School & Community College was constructed by ISG at a project cost of approximately £18.6m.  Construction of five blocks interlinked with walkways, a new entrance road and coach park, the re-profiling of the existing playing fields to a Sport England standard as well as the supply of temporary classrooms for the duration of the project.

ISG used the client’s novated designer for the permanent design works and employed Crouch Waterfall to review, optimise and redesign parts of the structure  where required to improve constructability and reduce project delivery time.

Crouch Waterfall also provide the temporary works coordination and design as well as the onsite verification of the implementation of these designs (TWC & TWS roles).  The temporary works included traditional formwork, falsework and back propping for a four storey traditionally built RC building, formwork support structure for a curved wall spanning over a viewing gallery, excavation support, remedial works and scaffolding.

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